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How to light the pilot light on your gas hot water storage tank

If you find your hot water is suddenly running cold, the first step in solving the problem is to check the pilot light on your hot water heater hasn’t gone out. If it has, this is something you can fix yourself. The pilot light is a small flame that lights the main burner whenever the tank needs heating and should be on at all times. Before you start It is easy to check if your pilot light has gone out and to relight it, but as with all home repair jobs, when attempting to relight your pilot light take extreme caution. Before you do anything make sure you don’t have any flames or ignition sources near the heater and that you can’t smell gas around your water heater. Remember to always wear safety glasses and follow the manufacturer's instructions on the appliance. Hot water heaters are all very similar so the following method should work on whichever brand you have at home. A video of this process is also available on the Rheem website if you need further assistance. How to light your pilot light Remove the access panel by pushing the cover up vertically and then pulling it towards you. You should find the instructions for relighting the pilot clearly written on the inside of the cover. Turn the gas control knob clockwise as far as you can to the off position, the symbol for off may be a line or a small dot depending on your brand of heater. Always turn this knob by hand, never use tools. Once in the off position, wait five minutes for any unburnt gas can escape.  This is a very important step for your safety and failing to do so could result in an explosion. After five minutes it is safe to proceed. To relight the pilot, turn the knob to the pilot position. On most hot water heaters this is a small flame or spark symbol. Once in the pilot position, press the control knob down fully and keep holding it down for 30 seconds. While holding the control button down, press the igniter button repeatedly for about 40 seconds. After pressing the igniter button the pilot should be alight, but continue to hold the control knob down for another 20 seconds. After 40 seconds, release the knob and check the pilot is alight, you should see a blue flame. If this process doesn’t work, turn the gas control to off, wait another five minutes and try again from the start. Once the pilot is successfully lit turn the control knob anti clockwise to at least number five and replace the access panel. ...

Top 5 Tips for Preparing for Tax Time for Investors

As tax time approaches, it's essential for real estate investors in Western Australia to be well-prepared to ensure they maximise their returns and stay compliant with tax regulations. Here are my top five tips to help you get ready for the end of the financial year. 1. Organise Your Records Maintaining comprehensive and accurate records is crucial. Gather all documentation related to your investment properties, including: Rental income statements Expense receipts (repairs, maintenance, property management fees) Loan statements Purchase and sale agreements Having organised records will streamline the tax filing process and ensure you don't miss out on any deductions. 2. Understand Your Deductions Familiarise yourself with the deductions available to property investors. These can significantly reduce your taxable income. Common deductions include: Loan interest Property management fees Repairs and maintenance costs Depreciation on the property and its contents Travel expenses related to property inspections Consult with a tax advisor to ensure you're claiming all eligible deductions. 3. Review and Update Your Depreciation Schedule A depreciation schedule outlines the decline in value of your property’s assets over time. Updating your schedule annually ensures you claim the maximum depreciation deductions. Engage a qualified quantity surveyor to assess your property and provide an accurate depreciation report. 4. Prepay Expenses Consider prepaying certain expenses before the end of the financial year to bring forward deductions. Eligible expenses might include: Loan interest for up to 12 months Insurance premiums Property management fees By prepaying, you can potentially lower your taxable income for the current financial year. 5. Seek Professional Advice Navigating the complexities of real estate investment taxation can be challenging. Engaging a tax professional who specialises in real estate can provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to your situation. They can help you optimize your tax position and ensure compliance with the latest regulations. By implementing these tips, you can approach tax time with confidence, knowing you’ve taken the necessary steps to maximize your returns and maintain compliance. For more personalised advice and to explore how we can assist you with your real estate investment needs, contact Alicia McCulloch on 0459 185 872....

Why Cleaning Gutters and Downpipes Before Winter Matters

As winter draws near, it's crucial for property owners to prepare their investments for the challenges that colder weather can bring. Among the essential tasks to tackle is cleaning gutters and downpipes. Neglecting this chore can lead to a host of issues that could ultimately damage your property and cost you dearly. At Aqwasun Estate Agents, we understand the importance of proactive property maintenance, and Alicia McCulloch is here to explain why cleaning gutters and downpipes before winter is a non-negotiable task. 1. Prevent Water Damage: Clogged gutters and downpipes can lead to water buildup, especially during winter when melting snow and ice add to the volume of water flowing off the roof. This excess water can seep into your property, causing damage to ceilings, walls, and even the foundation. By keeping gutters and downpipes clean, you ensure that water is directed away from your property, reducing the risk of water damage significantly. 2. Preserve Landscape and Exterior: Overflowing gutters can wreak havoc on your property's exterior, causing damage to siding, paint, and landscaping. When gutters are clogged, water can spill over the sides, saturating nearby plants and eroding soil. Over time, this can lead to costly repairs and diminished curb appeal. By maintaining clean gutters and downpipes, you protect not only your property's interior but also its exterior beauty and value. 3. Extend the Life of Your Gutters: Regular gutter cleaning isn't just about preventing damage to your property—it's also about prolonging the life of your gutters and downpipes. When debris is allowed to accumulate, it can weigh down gutters, causing them to sag or pull away from the roofline. Additionally, trapped moisture can lead to rust and corrosion, weakening the metal and shortening its lifespan. By scheduling routine gutter cleanings, you ensure that your gutters and downpipes remain in optimal condition for years to come. 4. Peace of Mind: Perhaps the most significant benefit of cleaning gutters and downpipes before winter is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your property is prepared to weather the elements without succumbing to water damage or other issues provides invaluable peace of mind for property owners. By investing in preventative maintenance now, you can avoid costly repairs and headaches down the road. As a property owner, it's essential to prioritise maintenance tasks that protect your investment and ensure its long-term viability. Cleaning gutters and downpipes before winter is a simple yet crucial step that can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. By staying proactive and enlisting the help of professionals when needed, you can safeguard your property against the challenges of winter weather and enjoy peace of mind all season long. By Alicia McCulloch Property Management Specialist ...

Should you keep your money in super or buy property through an SMSF?

Should you keep your money in super or buy property through an SMSF? Building up a nest egg to live off in retirement or to grow generational wealth is important to investors. No matter how much money it would take for you to live comfortably and have financial independence, the road to get there requires careful consideration. For many people in Australia, this road is typically split into two paths: investing in property or keeping money in super. With self-managed super funds (SMSF), investors can enjoy the best of both worlds by buying an investment property while also holding other investments in their SMSF portfolio. Below, we explore key things to consider when assessing whether to keep your money in super or buy property through an SMSF. Annual returns have to be considered The rule of thumb with investing is that holding equities in major markets such as the ASX200 or SP500 will return an average of 8 per cent per annum over ten years. This takes into account the years where a recession may lead to negative returns and the years following where returns can be much higher than 8 per cent. In comparison, property prices generally double every ten years. Like equities markets, though, there are caveats to this statistic. These returns assume that the property is in a growing area with strong rental demand. Buying a more affordable investment property in an area further from transport, education and employment hubs may be tempting, but this may attract lower rental yields and capital growth. Time horizons matter If you’re young and have decades to withstand the fluctuations in the property and equities markets, it may pay off to take the risk in committing a majority of your capital to investment properties. However, if you’re nearing your later working years, buying assets that need to be held over a long period to realise returns may not be suitable. It’s all about understanding your specific time horizon and long-term wealth-building goals. A financial adviser will be best placed to advise you on these things, so it’s important to find someone reputable to speak with about your unique needs. Further, a fee-for-service financial adviser can provide independent advice that isn’t tied to selling you particular financial products. An SMSF can be a good fit for women and primary carers People who need to take time out of work for caregiving responsibilities often end up with a smaller super balance. Setting up an SMSF can give these people more autonomy over where and how their funds are invested. Buying a property through an SMSF can be a tax-effective way to get exposure to property while building up a retirement nest egg. It’s important to note that there is a minimum balance that makes the extra administrative and compliance burdens associated with an SMSF worth it. This is typically around $200,000 at the time of writing. There are many ways to grow wealth to live comfortably in your later years. Speaking with an expert who can help you determine the best strategy for your unique needs is critical. Start doing your research today and get advice on what the best options are for you. Remember, this article is general in nature and is not financial or legal advice. Please consult your professional financial and legal advisors before making any decisions for yourself....